Hello, my name is Amanda Buyiswa Kandawire-Khoza. You can imagine how long it takes me to fill out “full name” on a form. I am a 31 year old Commercial Pilot, Digital Illustrator and Entrepreneur from South Africa.
Although flying planes has always been my first love, being creative using my hands is something I’ve done since childhood. My transition from a “Tomboy” to a “girly girl” was sparked by my love for earrings and accessories and I vowed then that I would have my own accessories brand when I grew up.
Fast track to 2020 and I lost my flying job because of the Pandemic. That was a sad and trying time, but the new chapter meant I finally had time on my hands and mental capacity to start my earring brand and that’s exactly what I did! And within a few weeks Buyiswa Earrings was born.
t's interesting how Buyiswa is a name that implies "a pioneering spirit'. And it's my willingness to endure hardships in order to try out new things that has gotten me to this point. I love what I do and I hand make each pair in my home studio with the hope of being able to employ women in my community as the brand grows.
As if God hadn’t blessed me enough, He sent Mpho my way and she gave me my biggest earring order to date!
I’m so excited to have produced a collection for Shop Consciously that is intended to make the wearer feel good. My earrings are meant to be little pockets of joy in your day, and I hope each pair does exactly that.